Gregory J. McCleery, Esq.
Managing Attorney
“Someone once asked me what I regarded as the three most important requirements for happiness. My answer was: ‘A feeling that you have been honest with yourself and those around you; a feeling that you have done the best you could both in your personal life and in your work; and the ability to love others.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt
Greg is the founder of McCleery Law Firm, and opened his own practice several months after passing the bar. As the oil and gas industry began to invest in the area, energy law played a significant role in the firm’s early growth. Greg assisted both major industry players and local landowners with title research, leasing negotiations, sales of minerals and royalties, and curative title work, and acted as the title supervisor for an oil and gas brokerage firm, overseeing all title operations and leading a team of experienced abstractors.
After several years, Greg expanded into new areas of law, and eventually focused on family law as the core of his practice, while continuing to pursue oil and gas work. He strove to build a reputation in the community for listening closely, caring about delivering the best possible outcomes, working quickly, and communicating rapidly and consistently. Within just two years, the firm began rapidly expanding, and became the largest law practice based in Tuscarawas County, where its principal office is located. The firm also opened multiple branch offices in surrounding counties, which continue to comprise a significant portion of its practice. As a managing attorney, Greg is passionate about providing quality legal representation to under-served legal markets, leveraging innovation and technology, and providing advice and mentorship to the next generation of legal practitioners.
During law school, Greg was awarded the Perantinides & Nolan Scholarship for his outstanding commitment to public service. While completing his Juris Doctorate degree at the University of Akron School of Law, he took time away from his studies to volunteer at Housing Advocates, Inc. and was promoted to a position with primary responsibility for overseeing their housing disability program. He also volunteered with Southeast Ohio Legal Services. Greg is active with his local church, became an Eagle Scout, and is active in the local bar association, serving as the Treasurer, Vice President, and as the President of the Tuscarawas County Bar Association for four terms. He continues to volunteer at the Southeast Ohio Legal Services free legal clinic, and participates in the Ohio Attorney General’s Victims of Crime Compensation program, assisting domestic violence victims with obtaining civil protection orders without cost.